Enrique iglesias song instagram
Enrique iglesias song instagram

enrique iglesias song instagram

A searchlight, mounted in a swivel in the middle of the dashboard, was operated by the firefighter sitting to the left of the driver. The dual ignition system is remarkable: the magneto system fires one spark plug in each of the cylinders and the distributor system, using battery power fires a second spark plug in each cylinder, allowing Betsy to be started by either (or both) systems, thereby assuring response in the event of fires.Ī hand crank, mounted on the front of the engine is an alternative to the dual ignition system. The fire engine is especially distinctive because it was designed without doors, windows, or a top because of its right-handed steering, the position of the gearshift and emergency brake levers to the driver's right, mounted outside the frame and because of the archaic chain-drive transmission.

enrique iglesias song instagram

In its time, Old Betsy represented the state-of-the-art in fire fighting equipment. Betsy is also equipped with a chemical system, hose carrier, hard suction hose, and lanterns on the rear post. net pump pressure, fed by two 4.5" suction inlets into three 2.5" discharges. The rotary gear pump displaces 1.29 gallons per resolution, 750 gallons per minute at 120 psi. It's fired by dual Westinghouse distributors and an Eisenmann magneto ignition. The engine is a 6 cylinder double with a 5.5" bore x 6" stroke, displacing 885 cubic inches, and developing 105 brake horsepower at 1,186 rpm. Her wheelbase is 156.5" and she weighs 9,050 pounds (less hose, men, and circulating water). Betsy is 20'1" long, 6' 2.5" wide and is 9' 1" high to top of the bell. She was manufactured in Elmira, NY in 1925. Old Betsy is an American LaFrance 75 Triple Combination.

Enrique iglesias song instagram